Winter is here. Spring crias will be arriving soon . Very good packages available. Purchase the animals and receive a discount on a group of three. Need to make room for all the new crias expected come spring. Many combinations available--show alpacas, breeding stock, youngsters, proven females. open females, proven males, junior herd sires--call and come see the opportunities available.
Shows, Holiday markets, Saturday markets are some of the events where you can see the Alpaca products besides the farm. Farm tours are available by appointment. Cleo's Country Cottage is open Saturdays 1-5 . Get some unique gifts.
Cleo's Country Cottage will be open by appointment with felted soaps, bug off lotion, alpaca unique gifts, dryer balls, socks, scarves, rugs, hats, and blankets and of course yarn and rovings.
We have a few beautiful junior sires ready to go to work, and several females that need to find new homes. We have a choice of color as well as age. We will mentor you along in the alpaca journey as well.
We also have Alpaca Tea for your house plants, and Alpaca Plant Passion for indoor or outdoor fertilization for plants. And you can get it by the truck load for your garden where it will enhance the growth of your plants right away.
Come visit!!!