We love providing quality alpaca yarns, clothing and unique products to our customers. There is nothing like the feel of soft quality in alpaca scarves, mittens, gloves hats, and shawls. Our sock varieties are always in demand from the extreme-weather thick socks,, crew socks, to light weight colorful pants socks. Our Lodge Socks with slip-free snowflakes “walk off the shelf”! Wish we had a picture of each customer who stroked an alpaca bear for the first time – “Priceless!” Visitors, who are drawn to our variety of alpaca yarns, seem like kids in a candy store! Touching Is a Requirement! The colorful and warm vests for men & women are extremely popular when the weather gets cooler.
Need a special gift for that special someone? Choose alpaca! As about special handmade item produced by one of our many experienced knitters. Choose your patter, choose your colors!!
Our Farm Store is open by chance or by appointment, 724.852.4084
Our Open House, annually on the last weekend in September, is the perfect opportunity to visit the farm and explore the store. This is prime time to get the best selections! During Thanksgiving through New Year’s, the store is very busy and is open daily from 9:00 to 5:00. We encourage customers to call us at 724-852-4084.